March, already? What happened to February? Maybe the cats threw it out. They seemed a bit p/o'd that there would be an extra day for them to lay about. Studio work is difficult, for felines. Thankfully, it is a breeze for us upright-walkers.
Work progresses on the comic, and new images are being organized into a pattern of readable material. Well, we hope it is readable, when all is said and done. It is a mixed format design, and we think it will work. The cats have yet to submit their opinion.
We motored to Southern Germany for a gathering of friends, and had a good meal and good conversation. After experiencing so many wonderful events, it is not surprising to us that it is the simple activity of sharing a meal with friends that is the most satisfying.
To our new friends we say dinner is about ready, so go wash your hands, and we'll see you at the table.
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