New images have just gone up on Kristophe in two folders, so have a look. We have also introduced a new character, who will not be appearing for a while and we are keeping his future role under cover, for now. If you would like to meet the young man who's personality and visage were used for our new Paris D'Agivnon (the tall blond in the 'Size Matters' image in our 'Whimsy' folder), then stop by his MySpace and say hi! David Paris is a very nice sort of chap and we are certain you will find him as delightful as we did.
KJ is working on creating the cover for his new book, and thought he had the perfect image for it, but, alas, fate interruptus took that option away. You can read excerpts of the first book at: KJ's Books . Even with all that we are working on, the book should be ready for publication in August.
Our comic has taken on a life of its own, and with the detail that we are putting into it, in black/white and colour, it has become an immense project. We are still hoping to keep to our deadline, but quality will be our first concern.
DDM bought himself a fun car to tool around in, when the studio makes him nuts, although KJ tends to think it's the cats disturbing his psyche more than anything. Soon, we may hear the pitter patter of dog feet on studio floor.
We hope everyone is having a great summer, and remember to play safe out there.
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