Thursday, December 28, 2006

The New Year

The end of one event or period is always followed by the beginning of another. 2006 brought many hardships for some, and growing wealth for others. It is not our desire to see anyone experience the former, though it is our desire for all to see growth in the latter. May the new year of 2007 bring improvements in all our lives. Good health and high spirits for all, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year, from Kristophe and the boys from St. Precocious Academy!


Friday, December 08, 2006

Happy Holidays, and other news...

We finally got the text up for the images, and our Christmas card should be up this weekend, as well as a few more images of our subjects, backgrounds, etc. Building our website (Kristophe) has been great fun, and though a bit of a challenge, too, well worth the effort. We would like to thank everyone for their incredible support and kind words, and we hope you all will continue to visit us and watch our progress. And to our visitors and friends we wish you a Happy and Safe Holiday season!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Another craft is launched, without breaking champagne over the bow....

Well, DDM and I have decided to try this blog thingamaroo, on our website. We got the idea from JCEtheredge's website (Go there, lots of fun! ANTI-HEROES!). We agree with his sentiments, that it is a fun part of creating to get feedback and comments from supporters. We hope that all who will come by to visit KRISTOPHE and chat will do so with grace and humour, and to those who possess neither of these attributes you have our condolences, and we ask that you save your comments for family gatherings and the like.