Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Friends, As a few of you may already know, MySpace deleted our profile. It began when they blocked us from it for more than three weeks, after we notified them that the changeover to the 3.0 system prevented our use of our .eu email address, for signing in. The path they took us down was unbelievable, and eventually it became clear that they had no intention of letting us have access to our profile. We saved all of the communications and we will be making a rather fun post with a few visuals, after the end of the year. For all of those poor souls who have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with MySpace 'support' staff, you have our sympathy. Since we had already decided not to create a new profile on MySpace, we went for a bit of fun with it, instead of letting the mind-numbing ignorance we experienced weigh us down. It's too close to Christmas for that, oui? Oui. So, we will be posting our updates to our website, via the blog, and we welcome comments here, as well as our Facebook page, a link for which is now located where the MySpace link used to be. It was sooooo easy to change. Technology is cool, is it not? We hope you will all have a safe and fun-filled holiday.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

T'is the season to be...

It would appear that MySpace has run into a few glitches, with music players not functioning, their 'Contact MySpace' option only putting out a little idiot window that says "Oops! You forgot required info' or some such nonsense thereby not allowing you to send a note (a rational mind would know that this is probably done on purpose so that the techies don't have to read all the problem-laden emails), and the inability to handle .eu email addresses for signing in. Although MySpace can send us the proper form for resetting our password, they cannot seem to recognize our email address as being valid for signing in, although we have used it for ages. Rupie and his henchmen must be going through a meltdown of sorts. Imagine, trying to be like Zuckerman. Why would one want to, one might ask? Facebook is about as boring and vanilla as one could find on the internet, and it does not need a sibling.

Sooooo, for the time being, we don't have access to our MySpace account, which saves us a bunch of time, so a short vacation is not an unwelcome event. We'll let you know when Rupie and his boys get things sorted out. We wouldn't suggest holding your breath for more than a few minutes, though. We don't want to lose any of you good people. In the meantime, you can still find us on Facebook (between the gelato and the sorbet) http://www.facebook.com/kristophe.johansson . Who knows, we might even begin to find Facebook fun, now.


PS: Happy Turkey Day to our American friends.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It Gets Better...

DDM and I made a commitment to each other, that our Kristie and the boys would be a project that would be about fun, love and spirit. To that end, we have kept our message on the fun, loving and spirited side of things. Today, we feel that this blog should be about something more important than our work.

If you haven't yet heard about Dan Savage's "It Gets Better" project, on YouTube, it is highly likely that you will. Both DDM and I support it wholeheartedly, and if you have a story to tell that may prevent a young boy, or girl, from leaving us before he/she should because of bullying, please go to the "It Gets Better" YouTube page and add your contribution to Dan's project. Here's one boy's contribution:


Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Well, it's summer, and the August holiday season is upon us. A full month of holiday and it comes at a good time. DDM has aired a desire to hit Provence, and KJ is looking to the Atlantic coast for some sea breezes. We'll let y'all know how it turns out for both. In the mean- time, we understand your desire to check out our work, but, for this month, we heartily suggest that you push away from the desk, unhook the computer and get outdoors!

As always, play safe and play fair,


Friday, April 16, 2010

The sun is finally out, although the rain returns to the studio frequently, and keeps the ground soggy. Fortunately for our boys, they live at the beach, so life is always fun for them.

DDM is busy with life and making new character images and pages, and KJ is 'building' cars in the St. Precocious garage. We will show you one or two of them in the very near future, along with some new interiors and other images. As we are having to rebuild the comic (see past blogs about new laws in the EU) we have been occupied with that, primarily. Every image we produce for the website takes us away from repairing the comic, so we ask for continued patience. KJ is also working simultaneously on three new books, as well, so time is precious for both of us.

We want to thank those of you for sending emails of encouragement, and we are committed to completing the comic, so worry not. It shall be done. The format is changing, slightly, to include more text along with the images, to make a stronger story, since we can no longer have some of the content we had intended to include. This means that KJ is writing a fourth book, actually. Some call this sort of comic a 'graphic novel,' but ours will have so many images that this phrase doesn't really cover what we are making. You'll just have to see it, we guess, and then maybe someone can tell us what it is.

We recently had a question asked about our plans for distribution, and we feel confident that we will be able to distribute our work to most of the developed nations of the world, with the possible exception of the UK and some states in des Etats Unis, wherein nudity is considered to be an affront to the common man. They are comic images, but that doesn't seem to matter, to some folks. Our legal beagles are still researching this for us, and we will follow their advice.

We hope everyone is enjoying a great spring and summer is coming, so get the swim suits out and watch out for the sun.


Monday, January 04, 2010

We wish everyone a wonderful, safe and sane New Year!