Monday, December 24, 2012


Well, another holiday season is upon us.  It has been an interesting year, to say the best we can about it.  Let us hope that 2013 sees more sanity restored around us, and less conflict.  Maybe the rest of the world should take lessons from the wonderful boys of St. Precocious?  Perhaps.  

We have posted a couple of holiday treats and we hope you will enjoy them.  We also hope everyone will have a safe and happy holiday.

Our best wishes to you all,


Wednesday, November 21, 2012


We are in a transition of seasons, as cooler air and shorter days affect many of us, while others are feeling a different change in their seasons.  This globe we spin around on is quite diverse and, thankfully, so are the people taking a wild ride on it.  The universe is complex, but life can be simple, if one uses a basic four-letter guide for all that he or she does, says or thinks.  The letters are L O V and E.  No, not lovande, Fritz, LOVE.  It cures, it massages, it pleases, it...the list is endless.  And, yes, it can hurt, but when viewed with the high points as a counter to that part one should always opt for the experience of giving love and sharing it, on any and all every minute of every day.

To share some of that love, we are having our first giveaway.  We have updated and extended our CafePress web items and we are holding a random drawing from a pan in which transaction numbers of customers who purchase anything from our CafePress site will be placed.  One doesn't have to make a huge purchase to be included and this is supposed to be fun, so do not overextend with us, for this holiday season.  If all goes well we may have another for Easter.  DDM seems to think there may be a trend forming here, but I assure him there is none...perhaps.  Well, not intentionally.  Really.  Maybe.

Not everything is clothing related and in the interest of conserving blog space, click our 'Le CafePress' button to your right and check out the details.  As a reminder, our mark-up is minimal and all profits stay within our account for future giveaways.  This is about sharing, not about making a bucket-full of lucre.  We have other activities in life to provide for our chateau and the lovely sailing yacht that KJ just bought for the Med.  You know, the necessities.

Have a fun holiday season, which starts for our overseas friends tomorrow, with gobble, gobble, which many will be doing to their best abilities.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

There is nothing profound we have to share this month, so we'll be spare with the text.  We have made some changes, added images over the past two weeks and we will be adding more as the holidays draw closer.  We did enjoy a short holiday in the middle of France and we hope to get to the coast some time after the holidays.  KJ likes the stormy, northern shores of Bretagne, while I prefer the quieter, warmer Med areas.  We suggest that you refresh our pages, as you browse, or you might miss some of our new postings. 

We hope you will have a safe fall season and enjoy our work.


Monday, September 17, 2012


You may have noticed that we took what might have been perceived as a six-week holiday.  It was our intent, and we had bags packed, animals accounted for, the liquor cabinet chained and draped to keep the servants out, boy next door warned that he would be keelhauled if the plants weren't watered as promised, homes draped to keep the dust down and all other necessary preparations in place - you know, prior proper planning and all of that.  Unfortunately...wait for it comes... yep, a dilemma: DDM came down with an untimely sinus thingy.  Seeing as KJ (moi) is always in close proximity to his cohort in crime, he too, succumbed while playing Florence Nightingtyphoon (you seafarers will get the play on words).  It would be sufficient to say that we were waylaid without being laid, which in and of itself can be inconvenient, if not unfulfilling.  Weeks later, and with many empty antibiotic/anti-histamine/ibuprofen containers headed for recycling, and countless tissues of indescribable condition, we are least we hope we are.  It was not a kind way for the gods to end our summer and we will be filing our complaints with them, as soon as we can sort out which of the gods has email.   DDM suggests Zeus, although I (KJ) believe that it is Thor who can 'send a message' best.

In the interim, we will post new images for the enjoyment of others and look forward to our time off in October, when we hope to get down to the coast, again.  There are images for more than one folder, so have a look around.  KJ will also be posting more images this week, as he has several already in production, to share.  

We sincerely hope that our friends and fans had a more remarkable summer ending than did we, and we hope that you all are in great health and spirits.  Please remember that in dark times such as these it is best to wear a smile, for it illuminates the space around others for whom it is the darkest of times. 

Best regards,


Sunday, July 01, 2012

It has been a while since we (I) posted a new blog.  Multiple reasons and the best is that I had nothing new to share that would have added to the quality of anyone's life.  I feel it is best to avoid spewing forth just for the sake of doing so, whenever possible.  Hence the reason for our never-used Twitter account.  It is our belief that you folks don't really care what we had for breakfast, and I can assure you - with no intended insult or judgement - that we have little interest in your morning appetite, as long as you are healthy and enjoying life.  Which brings me to something I feel I should address.

I received an email pressing for a response as to why we have not posted much of late.  I assured the writer that it was not from lack of working, but there was a fervent plea evident in the tone of the note, asking to know why the beloved Boys of St. Precocious are not in print.  There was a subtle hint made which I will overlook, sensing the desire of the writer to see more of the boys.  However, it did prompt me to delve into my self, to determine if I should provide information that to this date I felt was/is not really anyone's business. When taking another look at the issue, my sense of this has changed.

What no one can know, nor should they have known, was that DDM has been very involved in something so selfless, yet time-consuming that he has had little thought of anything other than the well-being of a friend.  For several years now, he has been providing shelter and assistance to a close friend who was in need.  Without question he has provided what resources he has available to keep his friend afloat and in good health - a task that has not only taken much of his time, but his energy as well.  These types of responsibilities weigh heavily on those who undertake such tasks and although it has not been a task he has regretted, it has taken away from his work on our project.  I can't fault him for that and no one else should, either.  New resources will take a heavy portion of the load off the shoulders of DDM, which will allow him to resume his efforts - after a nice little visit to the coast of France and rest.  

Perhaps in knowing this, we can all delve into our baskets labeled 'Patience' and await the outcome of our combined efforts, for, as you should expect, I will not do this without him.  

So, keep the faith, as they used to say, and bear with us.  I will be posting additional images for a few days, so there is light at the end of the tunnel.  We are also examining the possibility of sharing some of the pages online, as a preview.  We shall see how discussions conclude, regarding this idea.

Edited to add:  We would prefer that communications with us, regarding the Boys of St. Precocious Academy take place through our blog and/or guestbook.  It allows more people to view comments and discussions and eases our workload by removing the need for us to address each email - most often with the same information as a preceding note.  It will be a great help to us and we feel certain that others will be more inclined to join in and feel as if they, too, are a part of the activity.  Merci.

Now, have fun and get outdoors!

KJ  (and of course, DDM)   

Friday, March 30, 2012

If you are returning to our site, you may notice some changes. There will be more coming, in the following weeks. We have updated our CafePress page and invite one and all to have a peek, although it is not replete with all of our intended items, as yet. Those will be finished in the next two weeks, if all goes as planned.

We are also contemplating ending our blog, as it has not created the interaction for which we had hoped, and it does take time to make an image and post information. This would be one less task for our very crowded schedules. We do get emails, but the information is not shared with many in that venue, and we had hoped that the blog would provide the connectivity that so many have mentioned that they desired. This may also play out the in the same manner for the Guestbook. Both decisions are not immediate, and feedback on both is welcome.

Summer is fast approaching and we hope that everyone is having a colorful spring. It is good that winter is mostly behind us, oui? For those of you still up to your penubits in the powdery stuff, we extend our commiserations.

Stay healthy and have fun,


Thursday, February 16, 2012

KJ's grandmother used to remind him that if he had nothing of import to say that he should press his lips firmly together until the situation changed. So...

Our next blog will be an open discussion on the new Do-No-Evil Google rules and why we are considering abolishing our Google blog. It may, or may not, be a profound exchange of ideas.